
Journal Papers:

    1. J. H. Chen*, M. C. Su, Y.X. Zhao, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, and W. H. Chen, “Application of SOMO Based Clustering in Building Renovation,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 195-201, Sep. 2008. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.195, Rank Factor:51/133) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS.
    2. M. C. Su*, S. J. Wang, C. K. Huang, P. C. Wang, F. H. Hsu, S. C. Lin, and Yi-Zeng Hsieh, “A Signal-Representation-Based Parser to Extract Text-Based Information from the Web,” Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 531-539, May. 2010.(EI)
    3. Y. X. Zhao*, C. H. Chou, M. C. Su, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, “Portable Virtual Piano Design,” World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, issue 67, pp. 1024-1027, July 2010. (EI)
    4. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, M. C. Su*, C. H. Chou, and P. C. Wang, “Detection of Line-Symmetry Clusters,” Vol.7, No.8, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7(8), pp.5027-5043, August 2011. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.797, Rank Factor:12/60) AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS.
    5. M. C. Su*, S. C. Lai, P. C. Wang, Yi-Zeng Hsieh and S. C. Lin, “A SOMO-based approach to the operating room scheduling problem,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 15447-15454, Nov. 2011. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.526, Rank Factor:18/133) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS.
    6. C. H. Chou*, Yi-Zeng Hsieh and C. Y. Tsai, “Modified Sequential Floating Search Algorithm with a Novel Ranking Method,” International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, pp. 2089–2100, vol. 8, no.3, March 2012. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.797, Rank Factor:12/60) AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS.
    7. M. C. Su*, C. Y. Yeh, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, S. C. Lin, and P. C. Wang, “An Image-based Mouth Switch for People with Severe Disabilities,” Recent Patents on Computer Science, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 66-71, Mar. 2012. (EI)
    8. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, M.C. Su, Sherry Y*. Chen and G. D. Chen, “The Development of a Robot-based Learning Companion: A User-Centered Design Approach,” Interactive Learning Environments, vol.23, pp.356-372, Feb. 28, 2013. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.138, Rank Factor: 51/235) EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 本人為第一作者.
    9. C. H. Chou*, Yi-Zeng Hsieh and M. C. Su, “A New Measure of Cluster Validity Using Line Symmetry,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 30 no. 2, pp. 443–461, 2014. (SCI, Impact Factor : 0.524, Rank Factor:141/146) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 本人為第二作者.
    10. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su* and Pa-Chun Wang, “A PSO-based Rule Extractor for Medical Diagnosis,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol.49, pp.53–60. June 2014. (SCI, Impact Factor : 3.233, Rank Factor:25/105) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 本人為第一作者.
    11. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su*; Chen-Hsu Wang and Pa-Chun Wang, “Prediction of Survival of ICU Patients using Computational Intelligence,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol.47, pp.13-19, Jan 15 2014. (SCI, Impact Factor :1.953, Rank Factor:35/85) BIOLOGY 本人為第一作者.
    12. Chien-Hsing Chou*, Yi-Hsiang Chien, Yung-Long Chu and Yi-Zeng Hsieh, “AustimSpace: A Visualized Scenario Learning Aid on Tablet PC for Chinese Children with High-Functioning Autism,” Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, vol.18, no.1, pp. 89-95, 2015/05 (EI)
    13. Su, A.Y.S.*, Yang, S.J.H., Huang, C.S.J., Ding, T.J., and Yi-Zeng Hsieh, “Effects of annotations and homework on learning achievement: an empirical study of Scratch programming pedagogy,” Educational Technology & Society, Vol.18(4), p331-343, 2015. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.034, Rank Factor: 59/235) EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH.
    14. Mu-Chun Su, Jhih-Jie Jhang, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Shih-Ching Yeh, Shih-Chieh Lin, Shu-Fang Lee and Kai-Ping Tseng, “Depth-Sensor-Based Monitoring of Therapeutic Exercises,” Sensors, 15(10), pp. 25628-25647, 9 October 2015. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.964, Rank Factor:10/58) INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION 本人為通訊作者.
    15. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su*, “A Q-learning-based Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Economic Dispatch Problem,” Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 2333-2350, Nov. 2016. (SCI, Impact Factor :2.505, Rank Factor:40/133) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 本人為第一作者.
    16. Mu-Chun Su, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Chen-Hsu Wang, and Pa-Chun Wang, “A Jacobian Matrix-based Learning Machine and Its Applications in Medical Diagnosis,” IEEE Access, Vol.5, pp. 20036 - 20045, 06 March 2017. (SCI, IF :3.244). (SCI, Impact Factor:4.199, Rank Factor:24/148) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 本人為第二作者及通訊作者.
    17. Yu-Hao Chin, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su, Shu-Fang Lee, Miao-Wen Chen, Jia-Ching Wang*, “Music emotion recognition using PSO-based fuzzy hyper-rectangular composite neural networks,” IET Signal Processing, vol.11(7), pp. 884 - 891, 31 August 2017. (SCI, Impact Factor:1.325, Rank Factor:166/262) ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC 本人為第二作者.
    18. Yi-Zeng Hsieh* and Yu-Lin Jeng, “Development of Home Intelligent Fall Detection IoT System based on Feedback Optical Flow Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE Access, vol.6, pp. 6048 - 6057, 09 November 2017. (SCI, Impact Factor:4.199, Rank Factor:24/148) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS本人為第一作者及通訊作者 (上標符號*代表通訊作者).
    19. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su, Jieh-Haur Chen*, Bevan Annuerine Badjie, Yu-Min Su, "Developing a PSO-Based Projection Algorithm for a Porosity Detection System Using X-Ray CT Images of Permeable Concrete, " IEEE Access,2018. (SCI, Impact Factor:4.199, Rank Factor:24/148) COMPUTER SICENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS本人為第一作者及通訊作者 (上標符號*代表通訊作者).
    20. Yi-Zeng Hsieh*Yu-Cin Luo, Chen Pan, Mu-Chun Su, Chi-Jen Chen, Kevin Li-Chun Hsieh, “Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Biomarkers Detection on MRI-Sensor-Based Image and Deep Learning,” Sensors, 19(11), 2019. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.475, Rank Factor:16/61) INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION 本人為第一作者及通訊作者 (上標符號*代表通訊作者).
    21. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Shih-Wei Tan, Siang-Long Gu, and Yu-Lin Jeng*, “Prediction of Battery Discharge States based on the Recurrent Neural Network,” Journal of Internet Technology, 2019. (SCI, Impact Factor : 0.715) 本人為第一作者.
    22. Mu-Chun Su, Tat-Meng U, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Zhe-Fu Yeh, Shu-Fang Lee and Shih-Syun Lin, “An Eye-Tracking System based on Inner Corner-Pupil Center Vector and Deep Neural Network,” Sensors, 19 December. 2019. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.475, Rank Factor:16/61) INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION 本人為通訊作者.
    23. Yi-Zeng Hsieh and Shih-Syun Lin*, “Robotic Arm Assistance System Based on Simple Stereo Matching and Q-learning Optimization,” IEEE Sensors Journal, April, 2020 (Accept). (SCI, Impact Factor : 3.076, Rank Factor:13/61, Q1) INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION 本人為第一作者
    24. Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Shih-Syun Lin, Yu-Cin Luo, Yu-Lin Jeng, Shih-Wei Tan, Chao-Rong Chen, Pei-Ying Chiang, “ARCS-Assisted Teaching Robots based on Anticipatory Computing and Emotion Big Data for Improving Sustainable Learning Efficiency and Motivation,” Sustainability, July, 2020. (Accept). (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.592, Rank Factor:105/251, Q2, Rank Factor:44/116, Q2) ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE(SCI),ENVIRONMENT STUDIES(SSCI) 本人為第一作者
    25. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Shih-Syun Lin* and Fu-Xiong Xu, “Development of a Wearable Guide Device based on Convolutional Neural Network for Blind or Visually Impaired Person,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Aug., 2020. 09464-7 (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.313, Rank Factor:34/108(31.4%), Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING )本人為第一作者
    26. Yu-Shiuan Tsai, Li-Heng Hsu, Yi-Zeng Hsieh* and Shih-Syun Lin*, “The Real-time Depth Estimation for an Occluded Person based on a Single Image and OPENPOSE Method,” Mathematics, vol. 8, 10 August 2020. (SCI, Impact Factor : 1.747, Rank Factor: 28/324(8.64%), Q1, MATHEMATICS)本人為通訊作者
    27. Yu-Kai Lin, Mu-Chun Su* and Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, “The Application and Improvement of Deep Neural Networks in Environmental Sound Recognition,” Applied Sciences, vol. 10, 28 August 2020. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.474, Rank Factor: 32/91(35.1%), Q2, EGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPKINARY)本人為通訊作者
    28. Chien-Hsing Chou+, Yi-Zeng Hsieh+, Shih-Syun Lin*, Tao-Jen Yang, Wei-An Chen, Yung- Long Chu, and Hong-Lin Chang, “Passive Haptic Learning of Taiwanese Braille Writing for Visually Impaired Individuals,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2020. (Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor : 0.379, Rank Factor: 27/27=1, IMAGE SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY)本人為Co-Contributing作者
    29. Mu-Chun Su, Pang-Ti Tai, Jieh-Haur Chen, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Shu-Fang Lee, and Zhe-Fu Yeh, “A Projection-based Human Motion Recognition Algorithm based on Depth Sensors,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.21, pp.16990-16996, May 2021. 2021. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3079983. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.076, Rank Factor:13/61(21.3%), Q1, INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION)
    30. Chung-Cheng Chang; Jung-Hua Wang; Jenq-Lang Wu; Yi-Zeng Hsieh; Tzong-Dar Wu; Shyi-Chy Cheng; Chin-Chun Chang; Jih-Gau Juang; Chyng-Hwa Liou; Te-Hua Hsu; Yii-Shing Huang; Cheng-Ting Huang; Chen-Chou Lin; Yan-Tsung Peng; Ren-Jie Huang; Jia-Yao Jhang; Yen-Hsiang Liao; Chin-Yang Lin, “Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2021.(Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.553, Rank Factor:77/90(85.6%), ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL)
    31. Nodali Ndraha, Hsin-I Hsiao, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Abani K. Pradhan, “Predictive models for the effect of environmental factors on the abundance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster farms in Taiwan using extreme gradient boosting,” Food Control, vol.13, Jun. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor: 5.548, Rank Factor:19/144(13.2%), Q1, FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY)
    32. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Shih-Syun Lin, En-Yu Chang, Kwong-Kau Tiong, Shih-Wei Tan, Chiou-Yi Hor, Shyi-Chy Cheng, Yu-Shiuan Tsai* and Chao-Rong Chen*, “Wind Technologies for Wake Effect Performance in Windfarm Layout Based on Population-Based Optimization Algorithm,” Energies, 2021. (Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.004, Rank Factor:70/114(61.4%), ENERGY & FUELS)
    33. Shih-Wei Tan, Sheng-Wei Huang, Yi-Zeng Hsieh* and Shih-Syun Lin*, “The Estimation Life Cycle of Lithium Ion Battery based on Deep Learning Network and Genetic Algorithm,” Energies, vol. 14, no. 14, Jul. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.004, Rank Factor:70/114(61.4%), ENERGY & FUELS)
    34. Yu-Shiuan Tsai, Nai-Chi Chen, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Shih-Syun Lin, “The Development of Long-Distance Viewing Direction Analysis and Recognition of Observed Objects Using Head Image and Deep Learning,” Mathematics, vol.9, no.19, Aug. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.258, Rank Factor: 18/470(3.82%), Q1, MATHEMATICS)
    35. Ying-Hung Pu, Po-Sheng Chiu, Yu-Shiuan Tsai*, Meng-Tsung Liu, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, and Shih-Syun Lin, “Aerial Face Recognition and Absolute Distance Estimation Using Drone and Deep Learning,” Journal of Supercomputing, Sep. 2021. (Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.474, Rank Factor: 33/110(30%), Q2, COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS)
    36. Yu-Xiang Zhao, Zheng-Xian Lu, Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Shih-Syun Lin, and Pei-Ying Chiang*, “The Wearable Physical Fitness Training Device based on Fuzzy Theory,” Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 21: 9976. Oct. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.474, Rank Factor: 32/91(35.1%), Q2, EGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPKINARY)本人為通訊作者
    37. Mu-Chun Su, Chun-Ting Cheng, Ming-Ching Chang, and Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, “A Video Analytic In-Class Student Concentration Monitoring System,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 67, no. 4, pp.294-pp.304, Nov. 2021. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.947, Rank Factor: 109/273(39.9%), Q2, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) 本人為通訊作者
    38. Chien-Hsing Chou, Ping-Hsuan Han, Chia-Chun Chang and Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, “Garment Style Creator: Using StarGAN for Image-to-Image Translation of Multi-Domain Garments,” vol. 29, pp.85-pp.93, IEEE Multimedia, March 2022. (SCI, Impact Factor : 5.633, Rank Factor: 8/108(7.4%), Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING) 本人為通訊作者
    39. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Fu-Xiong Xu, and Shih-Syun Lin*, “Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Inverse Kinematics of Self-Assembly Robotic Arm based on the Depth Sensor,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, 1 Jan. 2023. 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3222332 (SCI, Impact Factor : 4.325, Rank Factor:14/64(21.8%), Q1, INTRUCTMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) 本人為第一作者
    40. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Xiang-Long Ku and Shih-Syun Lin*, “The development of assisted- visually impaired people robot in the indoor environment based on deep learning,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 10 Jun., 2023. (SCI, Impact Factor : 2.757, Rank Factor:32/137(23.4%), Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS) 本人為第一作者
    41. Yi-Zeng Hsieh and Po-Yen Lee, “Analysis of Oplegnathus punctatus Body Parameters Using Underwater Stereo Vision,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, Jun., 2023. (Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor : 5.3, Rank Factor:52/192(27.0%), Q1, COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) 本人為第一作者

Reference Conference Papers(參考會議論文):

    1. 蘇木春、謝易錚、李威延、葉錦諺、趙于翔、黃得原,“以SOC為基礎實做倒車影像安全輔助系統”,中華民國第十三屆模糊理論及其應用會議,高雄,台灣,民國九十四年。
    2. M. C. Su, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, and Y. X. Zhao, “A Simple Approach to Stereo Matching and Its Application in Developing a Travel Aid for the Blind,” in The 11th International Conf. on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 8-11, 2006, pp.1228-1231.
    3. M. C. Su, D. Y. Huang, S. C. Lin, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, and G. D. Chen, “Application of a Learning-Companion Robot in Learning Environments,” in 2008 Second IEEE International Conference Digital Games and Intelligent Toys Based Education, Nov. 17-19, 2008, pp. 203-204.
    4. M. C. Su, G. D. Chen, Y. S. Tsai, R. H. Yao, C. K. Chou, Y. B. Jinawi, D. Y. Huang, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, and S. C. Lin, “Design of an Interactive Table for Mixed-Reality Learning Environments,” in 4th Int. Conf. on E-Learning and Games, Edutainment 2009, Banff, Canada, Aug. 9-11, pp. 489-494.
    5. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, M. C. Su, S. Y. Chen, G. D. Chen and S. C. Lin, “A Robot-based Learning Companion for Storytelling,” in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Nov. 29-Dec.2, 2010
    6. Y. X. Zhao, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, H. P. Tai, C. H. Chou, “A Novel Feature Selection Algorithm by Using False Feature,” International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE 2011), Paris, 2011.
    7. M. C. Su, C. T. Wu, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, S. C. Lin, and D. Y. Huang, “A Depth-Camera-based Approach to 3D Object Recognition,” in Proc. of CACS 2012 Conf. on International Automatic Control, Yunlin, Taiwan, Nov. 29- Dec. 2, 2012.
    8. M. C. Su, T. H. Hsio, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, S. C. Lin, C. H. Chou, “A Neural Network-based Sketch Recognition System,” IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, pp. 420-423, New Taipei City, 2012.
    9. C. H. Chou, Yi-Zeng Hsieh, M. C. Su, and Y. L. Chu, “Extracting and Labelling the Objects from an Image by Using the Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm and a New Cluster Validity,” 2013 International Conference on Information Computer Application, 2013.
    10. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, C. H. Chou, H. L. Chen, Y. X. Zhao, Y. K. Wu, and K. W. Li, “Using Knock as Input Method for Designing the Home Security System,” The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2014, 2014/09, JAPAN.
    11. 甘旻爵,趙于翔,謝易錚,李南熺,姜宗廷,樂婷婷, 洪敬鑫, “以手部軌跡辨識為基礎之互動式體感水幕設計,” 2015第十屆數位教學暨資訊實務研討會(EITS 2015),2015/03,Taiwan.
    12. 謝易錚, 鄭雅云, 趙于翔, 黃麒霖, 陳凱閔, 林進忠, 謝宗曄, 黃建曄, “輔助評估ADHD孩童治療系統設計,” 2015第十屆數位教學暨資訊實務研討會(EITS 2015),2015/03,Taiwan
    13. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Chien-Hsing Chou, Yu-Xiang Zhao, Chen-Hsu Wang, Addison Y.S. Su, Wu-Rong Shih, Jen-Chih Yu and Shu-Wei Lin, "The Gesture Recognition System based on Self-Organization-Map in Total Physical Response English Learning Application," 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), May 22-27, 2015, Osaka, Japan, 2015/05, JAPAN.
    14. 謝易錚、施武榮、尤仁智、游紫歆、葉軍駙、林彥妏、林宏達、蘇育生, “陪伴型機器人kido robot 研製與應用,” 第十七屆海峽兩岸資訊技術研討會,2015.06,Taiwan
    15. 謝維合,盧詩韻,謝易錚,蔡毓珊, “兒童行動電話觸控式互動介面設計之研究,” 第二十屆行動計算研討會,2015.08,Taiwan
    16. Yi-Zeng Hsieh; Chen-Hsu Wang; Mu-Chun Su; Ching-Hu Lu; Jen-Chih Yu; Yi Min Chiang, "Prediction of postoperative recovery based on a computational rules extractor," Consumer 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2015.06, Taipei.
    17. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su, Addison Y.S. Su, Wu-Rong Shih, Jen-Chih Yu and Chien-Yeh Huang, "The Computational Rules Extractor in the Detection of Tax Evasion," IEEE The 49th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, 2015.09, Taipei
    18. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Mu-Chun Su, Yu-Lin Jeng, "The Jacobian matrix-based learning machine in student," in proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2017), Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 20-22, 2017.
    19. 謝易錚、許富雄、陳振耀、羅宇欽、顧祥龍,“結合影像串流與深度學習為基礎之穿戴式導盲裝置,” 第17屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI 2018),澎湖,05/25-05/27,2018。
    20. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Yu-Cin Luo and Fu-Xiong Xu, “Robotic-Assisted based on ARCS Motivation Model in E-Learning Application,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018), Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, April 13-17, 2018.
    21. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, “The Internet of Things Pillow Detecting Sleeping Quality,” The First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3), August 7-9, 2018, Okinawa, Japan.
    22. Yi-Zeng Hsieh*, Fu-Xiong Xu, “Autonomous orbit pattern recognition algorithm based on deep learning,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, April 11-15, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.
    23. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Fu-Xiang Hsu, Yen-Chieh Yu, Chih-Wei Tu, Chih-Yi Wu, Teng-Yu Lu, “Internet of Things Portable Air Quality Device Based on Genetic Algorithm,” INTERNATIONAL COGNITIVE CITIES CONFERENCE(IC3), SEPTEMBER 3-6, 2019, KYOTO, JAPAN.
    24. Y. -H. Huang and Y. -Z. Hsieh, “The Assisted Environment Information for Blind based on Video Captioning Method,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), 2020, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Taiwan49838.2020.9258088.
    25. N. Ubiña, S. -Y. Cai, S. -C. Cheng, C. -C. Chang and Y. -Z. Hsieh, “Underwater 3D Object Reconstruction for Fish Length Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks,” 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2021, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ISPACS51563.2021.9651057.
    26. 薛惟仁, 謝易錚, “基於YOLO之吳郭魚遠近及游向辨識系統,” 第24屆人工智慧與應用研討會(TAAI 2019), November 21-23, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
    27. 彭康紘、蘇柏瑜、吳家瑄、鄧佳菁、江昱樺、賴志豪、謝易錚*, “以模糊化輸出為基礎之YOLOv4,” 第十九屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI2021), 2021/05/28~5/29, 金門, 台灣.
    28. 陳佑庭、吳家瑄、王亮惟、古乙程、鄧佳菁、謝易錚, “深度學習應用於鳳梨成熟度分析,” 第二十屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,2022/05/27, 澎湖, 台灣
    29. 謝易錚、蒙諺勳、古乙程, “以openpose為基礎之海鱺種魚分類系統,” 第三十五屆電腦視覺圖學及影像處理研討會(CVGIP 2022), 2022/08/25~2022/08/28, 南投,台灣
    30. Fan-Hua Nan; Yi-Zeng Hsieh; Hao-Ching Chen, “Coral Detection with Machine Learning,” 2023 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI), Fujisawa, Japan, 2023, pp. 207-209, doi: 10.1109/ICCCI59363.2023.10210179.
    31. Yi-Zeng Hsieh; Chia-Hsuan Wu; Cheng-Hou Chou; Chia-Ching Teng; Chih-Hsiang Ho, “Detecting the Underwater Distance and Swimming Direction of Tilapia using YOLO,” 2023 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), PingTung, Taiwan, 2023, pp. 267-268, doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Taiwan58799.2023.10226689.
    32. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Fan-Hua Nan, Chia-Hsuan Wu and Cheng-Hou Chou, “Underwater unmanned vehicles net-breaking detection and recognition system based on YOLO,” 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2023, Sapporo , Hokkaido ,Japan, August 11-13, 2023. (BEST PAPER AWARD, 最佳論文獎)
    33. Yi-Zeng Hsieh, Chia-Hsuan Wu, Cheng-Hou Chou, Hsin-Yu Huang, Chi-Kuang Lin, “The Intelligent Fish Weight Grading System Based on Instance Segmentation Algorithm,” The IET 13th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC2023), Tokyo, Japan, 2023. (Artificial Intelligence Award, 人工智慧首獎)


    1. 中華民國發明專利第I400637號,輕觸式遙控系統2013/7/1-2029/9/30。
    2. 中華民國發明專利I402784號,以動作偵測為基礎之音樂創作玩樂系統,其控制方法、電腦程式產品與電腦可讀取記錄媒體。2013/7/21-2029/9/17。
    3. 中華民國發明專利I406202號,領袖領導機器人系統、其控制方法、電腦程式產品與電腦可讀取記錄媒體。2013/8/21-2029/9/17。
    4. 中華民國發明專利I413034號,混合擴增實境與數位學習之系統。2013/10/21-2030/7/28。
    5. 中華民國發明專利I429468號 ,復健輔助裝置。2014/03/11-2031/07/11。
    6. 美國發明專利 US8723676B2號,REHABILITATION-ASSISTING APPARATUS。2011/10/14-2031/10/14。
    7. 中華民國新型專利M578910號,水下影像即時傳輸系統。2019/06/01
    8. 中華民國新型專利M578511號,海上養殖飼料供給系統。2019/06/01
    9. 中華民國新型專利M579552號,觸覺提示導盲裝置。2019/06/21
    10. 中華民國新型專利M579525號,影像偵測導盲系統。2019/06/21

    Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology (科技部專題計畫)

    1. 以影像與深度學習為基礎之導盲機器人研製(1/2)(107-2221-E-019-039-MY2),2018/08/01-2019/07/31,主持人,執行中。
    2. AI技術應用於智慧化養殖系統的建置(1/4) (107-2634-F-019-001-),2018/01/01-2018/12/31,共同主持人,執行中。
    3. 智慧型照護互動系統-視障人士的智慧夥伴(2/5~5/5)(1/4)(107-2634-F-008-001-),2018/01/01-2018/12/31,共同主持人,執行中。
    4. 臺北醫學大學醫療體系巨量影像資料庫建立與應用(1/3)(106-2634-F-038-002-),2017/11/01-2018/11/30,共同主持人,執行中。
    5. 妥瑞症孩童之機器人同伴為基礎之互動系統(106-2511-S-019-003-),2017/08/01-2018/07/31,主持人,執行中。
    6. 視覺化立體整合展示大氣海洋戰場情資平臺(106-2623-E-008-001-D) ,2017/01/01-2017/12/31,共同主持人,結案。
    7. 視覺化立體整合展示大氣海洋戰場情資平臺(105-2623-E-008-005-D) ,2016/01/01-2016/12/31,共同主持人,結案。
    8. 視覺化立體整合展示大氣海洋戰場情資平臺(104-2623-E-008-006-D) ,2015/01/01-2015/12/31,共同主持人,結案。
    9. 雲端POS推薦系統之研究(104-2622-E-218-006-CC3),2015/06/01-2016/07/31,主持人,結案。

    Grant of Industry-academic Cooperation and Technology (產學合作計畫):

    1. 以深度學習為基礎之ORC雲端監測平台,工研院產學合作計畫案,2018/08/01-2019/07/31,主持人,執行中
    2. 雲端POS推薦系統之研究(104-2622-E-218-006-CC3),2015/06/01-2016/07/31,主持人,科技部產學合作計畫案,技術轉移金額50,000元,結案。
    3. 互動行為塑模前瞻技術研發,資策會,2014/01/01-2014/12/20,結案。

    Grant of Ministry of Education (教育部計畫):

    1. 107年度資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫A類,2018/02/01-2019/01/31,共同主持人,執行中。
    2. 104學年度教育部微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽暨2016年教育部全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,2015/07/01-2016/06/30,共同主持人,結案。
    3. 103學年度教育部微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽暨2015年教育部全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,2014/07/01-2015/06/30,共同主持人,結案。
    4. 102學年度教育部微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽暨2014年教育部全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,2013/07/01-2014/06/30,共同主持人,結案。

    Awards (獲獎):

    1. 2023年中華民國消費性電子學會,傑出青年獎。
    2. 2023年發表之Underwater unmanned vehicles net-breaking detection and recognition system based on YOLO於 6th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention獲得 BEST PAPER AWARD, 最佳論文獎
    3. 2023年指導黃心鈺,吳家瑄,林啟光,鄒承儫,以「智慧分魚系統」參加The 13th International Conference on Frontier Computing, Tokyo, Japan獲得人工智慧首獎。
    4. 2022年指導古乙程,王亮惟,吳家瑄,以「海鱺行為與特徵追蹤」參加2022經濟部資訊應用服務創新競賽亞洲-矽谷智慧創新組獲得第一名。
    5. 2022年指導古乙程,王亮惟,吳家瑄,以「金鯧智慧分魚養殖規劃系統」參加2022 全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽獲得佳作。
    6. 2022年指導林楷恩,王品翔,以『基於深度學習結合 DehazeNet 與 U-Net架構的單張影像去霧」參加111年中國工程師學會學生分會工程論文競賽獲得佳作。
    7. 2021年指導黃崇淵等,以「智慧化魚群監控分析系統」參加2021第26屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽獲得亞洲矽谷組第二名、最佳人氣獎。
    8. 2021年指導鄒承儫等,以「基於深度學習之箱網預警系統」參加2021第26屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽獲得資訊應用組第一名。
    9. 2021年指導蒙諺勳等,以「疫起保持社交距離」參加2021第26屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽獲得產學合作組佳作。
    10. 2021年指導吳家瑄等,以「AI智能化箱網養殖系統」參加中技社科技獎學金暨AI創意競賽,獲得第二名。
    11. 2021年指導蒙諺勳等,以「海鱺性徵辨識系統」參加2021 全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽,獲得物聯網組第二名。
    12. 2021年指導鄒承儫等,以「AI-洗網君」參加2021 全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽,獲得數位永續科技組第二名。
    13. 2021年指導邱彥凱等,以「視障好朋友」參加2021 通訊大賽,獲得入圍獎。
    14. 110年度獲得科技部延攬及留住特殊優秀人才獎勵。
    15. 110年度獲得國立台灣海洋大學研究進步獎勵。
    16. 2021年指導吳家瑄、蒙諺勳、蘇柏瑜、鄒承儫、黃崇淵、邱彥凱,以「尋找斑石雕-水下立體影像結合聲納影像進行魚隻監控系統」參加教育部智慧晶片系統應用創新專題實作競賽,獲得金牌。
    17. 2021年獲得國立台灣海洋大學期刊論文獎勵。
    18. 2021年獲得國立台灣海洋大學院級研究優良教師
    19. 2021年獲得國立台灣海洋大學增進社會服務獎。
    20. 2020年指導吳家瑄、 李文淳、張恩毓、陳佑庭、李柏諺、鄒承儫、蒙諺勳、駱俊廷,以「古蹟修復-應用於金門風獅爺」參加大專校院全國資訊應用服務創新競賽,獲得佳作。
    21. 2020年指導李柏諺,陳佑庭,以「水下立體視覺應用於 AI 養殖漁業」參加全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽,獲得第一名。
    22. 109年度獲得科技部延攬及留住特殊優秀人才獎勵。
    23. 2020年指導蒙諺勳,許富雄,彭康竑和顧祥龍,以「深度學習視障導盲裝置」,獲得IET新加坡國際競賽2020 Frontier Innovation Award Competition銀牌獎。
    24. 2020年獲得國立台灣海洋大學院級研究優良教師。
    25. 2020年獲得國立台灣海洋大學增進社會服務獎。
    26. 2019年獲得國立台灣海洋大學院級研究優良教師。
    27. 2019年以「AI技術應用於智慧化養殖系統的建置」,獲得國家新創獎。
    28. 2019年指導邱彥凱、沈佳樺、彭康竑、薛惟仁,以「YouBall具影像辨識之自助借還球裝置」參加大專校院全國資訊應用服務創新競賽,獲得佳作。
    29. 2019年指導張恩毓、李文淳、彭康竑、李柏諺、薛惟仁、陳佑庭,以「智慧型導盲手杖」參加大專校院全國資訊應用服務創新競賽,獲得佳作。
    30. 2019年指導彭康竑、薛惟仁、李文淳、李柏諺、陳佑庭,以「影像與深度學習為基礎之導盲機器人研製」,獲得2019台灣創新技術競賽技術獎。
    31. 2019年指導彭康竑,以「愛不釋手」參加全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽,獲得第三名。
    32. 2019年指導彭康竑、顧祥龍、許富雄以"導盲機器人"2019全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    33. 2018年指導羅宇欽、顧祥龍、陳振耀、許富雄、潘辰以"盲人導引手環"第十三屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU創意大賽醫療健康應用組獲得優勝。
    34. 2018年指導羅宇欽、顧祥龍、陳振耀、許富雄、潘辰以" AI穿戴式盲人導引輔具"榮獲2018第23屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽資訊應用組十佳作與臺北生活好AI創新應用組第二名。
    35. 2018年指導顧祥龍、許富雄、宋翊慈以「結合影像串流與深度學習為基礎之穿戴式導盲裝置」參展2018全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    36. 2018年指導宋翊慈以「結合超音波陣列及模糊邏輯建立無盲區測距系統之建置」通過 107 年度大專生科技部計畫。
    37. 2018年指導涂至瑋、尤彥捷、吳治易、呂滕育以「健康空氣方塊盒」通過 國立臺灣海洋大學 107 年度大學生暑期學習實務體驗計畫。
    38. 2018年指導涂至瑋、尤彥捷、吳治易、呂滕育以「控制型仿真實體機器人之研製-模擬人類上半身」通過國立臺灣海洋大學 107 年度大學生暑期學習實務體驗計畫。
    39. 2018年指導陳振耀以「大數據養殖模擬」參展 2018全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    40. 2018年指導羅宇欽以「自主標記醫療影像之心血管鈣化位置」參展 2018全國大專校院軟體創作競賽 ,獲得值得注目獎。
    41. 2018年以「Robotic-Assisted based on ARCS Motivation Model in E-Learning Application」參展4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018,獲得最佳論文獎。
    42. 2017年指導許軒輊、陳振耀、羅宇欣、顧祥龍和楊雲翔以「導盲手環」參展2017年第二屆遠傳物聯網應用開發大賽,獲得佳作獎。
    43. 2017年指導顧祥龍、許軒輊以「智慧農場」參展2017全國微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    44. 2017年指導許富雄、張為翔、黃暘俊以「殘響世界」參展2017全國微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    45. 2017年指導羅宇欽、蔡馥任以「太陽能仿真樹」參展2017全國微電腦應用系統設計創作競賽,獲得值得注目獎。
    46. 2016年指導林育暐 劉偉馳 余振威 温祥彬,以Atmega168晶片開發光感測器製作「安睡枕頭」,參加 2016全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,獲得佳作。
    47. 2015年以「The Gesture Recognition System based on Self-Organization-Map in Total Physical Response English Learning Application」參展IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2015,獲得最佳論文獎。
    48. 2014年指導侯宜君、盧姿燕、劉鈞玲同學,以Atmega168晶片開發伺服馬達控制器製作「學習式的導覽機器人」,參加 2014年展示科技應用競賽,獲得第三名。